acupuncture in Cambridge

How Does Acupuncture Help Shin Splints?

Health By Aug 05, 2024 No Comments

Shin splints, a common affliction for runners and athletes, can be a crippling illness that causes discomfort along the shinbone’s inner edge. Inflammation of the tendons, muscles, and bone tissue surrounding the tibia is frequently the cause of this pain. While rest and traditional treatments like ice and anti-inflammatory medications are often recommended, many are turning to acupuncture as a viable solution. TThis traditional Chinese method provides a comprehensive approach to healing and pain management, providing significant relief for those suffering from shin splints. Here, we delve into how acupuncture in Cambridge can help alleviate shin splints and promote overall recovery.

Understanding Shin Splints

Before exploring how acupuncture can aid in treating shin splints, it’s important to understand what causes this condition. Repetitive strain on the shinbone and the connective tissues that connect muscles to the bone is usually the cause of shin splints. 

Common causes include:

  • Overuse: Excessive physical activity, especially high-impact sports like running.
  • Improper Footwear: Wearing footwear that is inadequately supportive.
  • Flat Feet: Abnormal biomechanics of the foot.
  • Sudden Increase in Activity: Rapidly intensifying workout intensity or duration.

The resulting inflammation and micro-tears in the muscle fibers and tendons can cause significant pain and discomfort.

What is Acupuncture?

Thin needles are inserted into particular body locations during acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical procedure. These points are thought to line up with meridians, or channels, that carry Qi, or life energy (pronounced “chee”). By stimulating these points, acupuncture aims to restore the balance of Qi, alleviate pain, and promote natural healing processes.

How Acupuncture Helps Shin Splints

1. Pain Relief

The capacity of acupuncture to lessen pain is one of its main advantages. The body’s natural analgesics, endorphins, can be released by inserting needles at particular acupuncture locations for people with shin splints. This process helps to alleviate the intense pain associated with shin splints, providing immediate relief and making it easier for patients to continue with daily activities and prescribed physical therapy exercises.

2. Reduction of Inflammation

Shin splints are characterized by inflammation of the muscles and tendons around the shinbone. Acupuncture has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce the swelling and inflammation that contribute to pain. Acupuncture helps regulate immune response and reduce inflammation by focusing on points that correspond to the affected area.

3. Improvement of Blood Flow

Acupuncture improves blood circulation, which is crucial for healing. Increased blood flow helps wounded tissues heal and recuperate more quickly by supplying them with more nutrients and oxygen. Increased circulation can lessen the accumulation of lactic acid and other metabolic waste products in shin splint sufferers, which can lessen stiffness and discomfort in the muscles.

4. Muscle Relaxation

Tight and overworked muscles are common contributors to shin splints. Acupuncture can help relax these muscles, reducing the tension and stress on the shinbone. By targeting points that correspond to the calf and shin muscles, acupuncture helps release muscle knots and promotes relaxation, thereby reducing pain and preventing further injury.

5. Holistic Healing

The holistic approach of acupuncture is one of its main benefits. Rather than just addressing the symptoms, acupuncture aims to treat the underlying causes of shin splints. This includes assessing and correcting any imbalances in the body that may contribute to the condition. By promoting overall health and balance, acupuncture can help prevent the recurrence of shin splints and improve overall physical performance.

Acupuncture in Cambridge for Shin Splints

If you’re considering acupuncture in Cambridge to treat your shin splints, it’s important to consult with a licensed and experienced acupuncturist. To find the most effective treatment strategy catered to your unique requirements, they will carry out a comprehensive examination. A course of treatment usually consists of several sessions, each of which builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the preceding one.


Shin splints can be a frustrating and painful condition, especially for those who lead an active lifestyle. While traditional treatments like rest and ice are often recommended, acupuncture in Cambridge offers a complementary approach that can significantly enhance the healing process. By providing pain relief, reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, relaxing muscles, and promoting holistic healing, acupuncture can help you get back on your feet and back to your activities with minimal downtime. If you’re struggling with shin splints, exploring acupuncture as a treatment option could be the key to a quicker and more complete recovery.

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